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Overdrawn on Your Body Budget?

Author: Nivi Kassiram

Do you know your value and what it is that you have to offer? Identify with that and protect everything you know you are worth.

The magnitude of people struggling with exhaustion, anxiety, burnout, stress and even depression are astounding. These are harsh realities of the demanding lives we lead today.

Sometimes we deny that it’s even manifesting. I myself have fallen victim to this. I was bitterly ignoring the fact that I needed to rest.

Wanting to do so much, I was ignoring the fact that I needed to give back to my body what I had been taking out. Granted this didn’t happen overnight, but it started to impact me. I didn’t think that I would actually feel it like I did. Luckily, I didn’t let it escalate further

We sacrifice our productivity, creativity, clear thinking and general wellbeing when we make choices that don’t serve us. We become irritable, short tempered and just not ourselves.

Granted this was all impacted by the demands of being a business owner, mum, wife, friend, daughter etc. amongst other things. But everything was compounding over a period of time.

I had to immediately shift gears and prioritise, delegate, reschedule and recalibrate.

As business owners this is the result of the mounting pressures we face from a volatile economy, the financial goals we target to be able to manage commitments and make a success of our businesses, remaining relevant and managing various stakeholders. But managing the process in which we do this is vital to the longevity of both our business and ourselves.

What are we doing wrong?

Firstly, we need to take the stressors of our day to day commitments seriously. We often look outside of ourselves for solutions and fail to unravel the inner workings of our most sophisticated self. Our brain plays such a critical role. In its simplicity its purpose is to ensure that we grow, survive and reproduce. This is called “allostasis” or the body budget. Your Body Budget is like a bank account, withdrawals need to be returned. Optimal survival requires us to keep our body budget in balance.

Withdrawing and depositing from our body’s resources, including energy and other physiological processes are limited and must be managed effectively in order to maintain overall health and well-being. This idea is based on the understanding that the body must constantly balance inputs and outputs, such as energy intake and expenditure to maintain a stable internal environment. All too often we push ourselves day in and day out (withdrawals) without resting and restoring ourselves (deposits).

How do I apply this?

The body budget concept can be applied to various aspects, such as diet, exercise, sleep and stress management. For example, when your body budget is out of balance, the most important thing is to make sure you eat a healthy diet, exercise and get adequate sleep.

You can also use stress reduction techniques. Stress can have a significant impact on our body budget. We all know we should do these things but I am hoping that understanding the very real, physiological process and impact of this can help you better understand why we need to do these things and the urgency of the application to rectify it.

Some Practical Things To Consider

YOUR MIND: Your mind gives up before your body does. Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that is often caused by prolonged stress or overwork. Burnout can have a significant impact on the body budget because it can deplete your energy resources and make it harder to restore them. Meditation, digital detox, practicing gratitude and selfcare are important to start to maintain a balance.

EXERCISE: Exercise can increase the production of endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters. Start small and build up, always maintaining levels that are sustainable for you long term. Do enough that you feel good but not so much that you’re put off doing it ever again. It’s important to build exercise into your life as a lifestyle habit and not a burden. If you find it difficult starting, start by just taking out your running shoes. Build habits slowly.

SUPPORT: Having a supportive network of family and friends or even other like-minded business owners that share your struggles and can help support you reduce stress and improve your well-being. Talking to someone you trust can also help you gain a different perspective on your stressors. I always advocate putting together a Personal Board of Directors or simply a support system of people you trust. These usually comprise of:

  • Someone that encourages you, motivates you band keeps you moving in the right direction
  • A Coach. We are trained to provide a different perspective, get you thinking and reflecting, highlight your blind spots and ask questions you didn’t think of asking. A coach also, serves as an accountability partner which is probably the most important aspect and so underrated. Another very important role that a coach plays is to hold a safe space for you. Someone you can trust to give you the right guidance, especially when things get tough.
  • A Mentor. Someone who has done what you’re trying to achieve and succeeded and is willing to support you.
  • There may also be areas that you fall short in. Acknowledge that and find someone you trust that can be a source of support for you.
  • We all know that person that can provide resources, tools and connect you with the right people to propel you forward. Bring that person into your space also.

Make sure they understand the role they play and create that supportive space to flourish and in turn help others grow as well.

TIME MANAGEMENT: Learning to manage your time effectively can help you reduce stress and increase your productivity. This can involve prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities and setting realistic goals. You don’t have to do it all on your own either.

HAVE FUN: Make this as important as an appointment in your diary that you can’t miss. Create situations to be able to have fun. Comedy shows, going out with friends, salsa classes. Get moving and enjoy life. Have fun with the kids, pranks, schedule in afternoon walks, date nights and downtime just by yourself too.

Remember, everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. I am hoping that my own realisation will help you also accept that we all go through things and that you are not alone. It’s time to change the narrative of the way we do business. We set an example for the next generation. They watch and learn from us. Create a healthy framework from which they can extract, rather than a dysfunctional, non-sustainable one…and you get to enjoy it more in the process.

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