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Inspired to succeed

A wise woman once said, “I am thankful for my struggle because, without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strengths.” This quote inspires me because since coming to South Africa from Zimbabwe in 2009, as a single mom of 2 kids, I knew the only way I would be able to help my family and myself is through working hard. Leaving my parents, my kids and my home was not easy but the state of my country left me no choice. I had to do better for them.

My passion was to work in an office as a receptionist and work my way up. But without experience, I soon realized I didn’t have a chance. I began work right away and felt grateful for any opportunity that came my way. I spent many years working for families from different cultures and backgrounds, looking after kids and cleaning houses. After many years of cleaning up after families, scrubbing bathrooms and spending my days chasing after other people’s kids, I found myself going to bed crying as I longed to hold my own children that I left behind. As I spent years inside big beautiful houses, with things I could never afford, I longed and dreamed that one day I could achieve such great things for my own family. Although these things were hard realities for me to face, it only made me work harder.

Then in 2018 my life changed when I found a lovely family to work for, Shawn and Kara. I will always remember the moment – I knew I would never be the same again. During the interview, we discussed various job duties and the usual questions. I came prepared with my own notes and questions I needed to ask. Then as the interview was closing, they asked me, “What are your life goals? What are the things we can help you to achieve?” I was taken aback, no one has ever taken the time to ask me this. I responded that I want to build a house for my family back home, and to one day start my own business so that I can provide a better education for my kids, so maybe one day they won’t have to struggle as I have.

In 2020, due to Covid, my daughter Ashley who was in grade 5, was no longer attending school. This led me bring her to stay with me for a while. My bosses (Shawn and Kara) felt like we were one family, and decided to enrol Ashley at the same school as their kids until she finished her studies. My family has a passion to help various charities and I began helping with them. It was a time I realised that even without having a lot to give, I could still help people, and soon I realized it was also something close to my heart. We participated in sandwich making, dignity packs for women, and feeding schemes in Kya Sands.

Then I had an idea that I could cook pap for our security team. I cooked throughout COVID to show appreciation to our security teams. I discovered a love for cooking and this led me to my next adventure. After the need to cook for security ended, people were still requesting my meals, so I decided to put my hard work towards earning extra money.

This is how Babs’s kitchen began. Along with being a nanny, picking kids up from school, helping Ashley with her schooling, cleaning the house, ironing, and cooking meals for my family, I also run my own business. This business allows me to send extra money back home to further help my family.

As if I wasn’t busy enough during this time, an opportunity to sell clothing came to me. I was selling second-hand clothing when Kara and I decided to do something bigger. So, we started our own clothing brand. Through months of ideas and planning, came Clare Ashley Fashion. It is our own manufactured ladies clothing, shoes and accessories store.

This process taught me so many new skills and has left me feeling empowered. I now know I can create my own path. Through hard work, opportunity and ideas, I realised I am capable of doing amazing things. My children can look up to me and for that alone, I am proud. My story is not over – I will continue to push and continue to grow. I also hope my success story can empower other women, who like me, have to work hard just to survive. I want them to also never give up on their dreams and goals.

One Comment

  • Marcia says:

    What an amazing story to read….there’s still good people out there like Shawn and Kara. May the Lord richly bless you and I hear you stay 2 houses away from me and It’s only now I hear about all of this…IN my hood,Soweto I would have long known about this but yeah this is Dainfern, the lifestyle here is not at all communal and friendly.
    I’m excited on your behalf ☺.
    Well done ??. Very proud of you and your employers #family

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