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Heal your heart, heal your life

My name is Karen Louise Downing. I am a Rapid transformational therapist and theta healer.

This is a tribute to learning strength, courage, love and forgiveness, kindness, compassion for oneself, loving oneself first and foremost. I am passionate about empowering women and teenagers who experienced physical or emotional abuse. Clearing emotional wounds from the past allows us to grow more contentment and confidence.

We are all born full of love, but as we journey through life, we encounter obstacles and challenges that can obscure our true essence. Experiences such as childhood traumas can leave us feeling anxious, confused and conflicted.

By connecting with our hearts and souls, we can identify what we truly value and what we are aligned with. We can establish strong boundaries and learn to say yes to what serves us and eliminate what does not. Live in the present moment, where all the beauty and joy of life can be found.

My journey in life has been one where I realised I was always there for everyone except myself. I did not have a strong sense of confidence or self-worth as a youngster. When one experiences challenges as a child, a part of yourself physically shuts down and this part of you detaches and disconnects at a subconscious level in order to protect yourself. I was indoctrinated in a home where I was taught that a woman always listens to her spouse and to put his needs first and I was physically and mentally not allowed an opinion.

As a child you automatically fall in line and follow at the expense of your own desires as you want so much to be loved and accepted and to feel safe. Your sense of power is totally taken away.

A very defining and life-changing experience of getting engaged after a 17-year-long relationship and experiencing severe lung issues after receiving the compulsory Covid-19 vaccine, as my fiancé lived abroad, made me realise the importance of trusting my intuition. Even after sensing that something was not right in the relationship and having doubts about the vaccine, my body was literally screaming at me, my heart racing, telling me not to do it when I went for the second one. This decision had severe consequences, impacting MY health and well-being.

I was reliant on an oxygen machine, in and out of hospital and experiencing asthma attacks, sudden seizures the list was long I could not exercise, the quality of my life had changed.

After consulting a world renowned doctor, I was to live on cortisone tablets, pumps and he said – quote – “Do what brings you the most joy every day.”

Two weeks before I was to leave, I received a phone call from my fiancé, ending the relationship.

The shock itself pulled me back into disbelief I lost my sense of self, my identity, my whole life crumbled. I was already challenged with my health. There was a moment when I was hardly breathing. I was asked by a friend, a spiritual healer in a session to make the choice: “Do you want to live or are you taking this door and leaving?” In an instant I made the choice to stay for my children and to learn and teach kindness, compassion and forgiveness for oneself and others.

The moment I was compassionate with myself, took responsibility and accountability, the healing began. I regained my sense of self and my power.

Be present. The magic
is in the moment.
– L Pollock.

When you lose yourself, the person you love, your health, you learn to surrender. You move through the process of deep grief, sadness, pain and forgiveness. You learn compassion, kindness for yourself and others. You learn to raise your state of consciousness to that of love, TO REMEMBER YOU ARE LOVE, you are strong, you are capable, and you are magnificent. Always trust your intuition ,you know what’s best for you .

You are not fear, not lack, not insecurity, not doubt, not anguish, not anxiety, your true nature is one of joy and peace, strength and love.

This is what we are all moving towards; the more you let go of past experiences and emotions which are stuck in your body, the more you return to the state of WHOLENESS. When you bring your head and heart into coherent alignment, you live your life coming from the greatest, most powerful and most loving part of you.

My journey taught me compassion, kindness, strength and the ability to raise my state of consciousness to that of love. It taught me courage, my heart is open and full. You reach a beautiful state of detachment and love; the love you feel is pure love. Your heart overflows with love, you laugh, you cry, you learn vulnerability is a strength not a weakness.

There are some things in life we cannot change, we are not meant to change, and we grow and evolve from these experiences.

Fall in love with your strengths, embrace your weaknesses. Be honest with yourself always, connect within to understand truly what is causing an internal struggle. When one experiences these internal struggles – negative thought patterns, it is your body’s way of communicating with you. Your subconscious mind has all the answers.

First and foremost,

honour and love yourself always. Be undeniably comfortable with who you are, with your values. Move to a place of acceptance in your life. Bring joy, happiness and that beautiful balance back into your life. Put your heart and soul into everything you do and live in the present moment EVERY DAY.

Are you living with internal harmony? Ask yourself, who do you need to forgive? Are you carrying resentment or regret? What is preventing you from embracing the powerful love that you are?

Heal your heart, heal your life. Return to the powerful Love that you are.

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